PUMA Stockport 10 marshals required

Report: Neil Thompson -

The PUMA Stockport 10 takes place Sunday 11th December 2011 starting at 10.00am from Woodbank Stadium.

We are always very appreciative of the amazing help and support we receive each year from our marshals. Without their help there would be no Stockport 10. It’s that time of year again when we’re looking for volunteers to once again assist us.

For those of you who take groups at the track please put the word out - there is a list in the Clubhouse that people can add their names to.

All marshals this year will receive the PUMA Stockport 10 T-shirt which is long sleeve, fluorescent and made of technical wicking material.

Our marshal co-ordinator (Steve Jones) will be in touch with all marshals before race day so that we can ensure we have your correct size in order to present you with your T-shirt BEFORE race day. That way you can wear the T-shirt on the day!

In addition we will also have a draw for all marshals where there will be PUMA goodies as prizes!

You will see Steve and also Neil Thompson at the next few Monday and Thursday track sessions seeking marshal support. If you visit the track on another night or fail to see Steve or Neil then please add your name to the list in the Clubhouse or email neil [dot] thompson [at] swinton [dot] co [dot] uk

Thank you for your support.

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