Legacy Events Stockport 10K

The Legacy Events Stockport 10K will take place on 3rd August. It will start and finish at the track. The organisers are looking for 25 event marshals to help with the event.

Volunteers will receive complimentary entries to a future Legacy Event (there is one in Southport on 3rd October and a full series of 6-8 events planned for next year).

In addition the Club will receive a donation based on the number of marshals that could be identified and whom support the event.

They are also looking for a couple of volunteers on the day before the event to help with setting up. Again helpers will be compensated for their time with a complimentary entry to future event.

The organisers are offering a discount (15%) to the club and its members for a booking of 10 or more places at this event.

Helpers should contact Graham on 07595 071 809.

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