The presentation event was due to take place on 14 March 2015, but a clash with the Greater Manchester Schools XC Championships has forced us to change the date to 28 March to allow children to attend both events.
The presentation event will be supported by four team-based, cross-country races that will take place before the presentation: Girls Years 3-4, Boys Years 3-4, Girls Years 4-5 and Boys Years 4-5. Each race will have 4 teams. Children registering to run will be allocated randomly to one of the four teams and given a coloured wrist band to designate their team colour. The races will be about half the length of the league races to give plenty of time for the presentation ceremony.
Team scores will be based on the finishing position of each runner in the team, just as they are in the league races. As the number of runners registering is unlikely to be divisible by 4, some teams may have one more runner than others. For the larger teams, we shall subtract their average finishing position from their team score to compensate.
We shall not be offering prizes for the race, but the children will be able to keep their wrist bands. We shall also announce the results of the races at the award ceremony and publish a report on our website.