The link below is the risk assessment carried out by SHAC to allow the cage at the stadium to be opened up again for use in training and competition. Whilst many of you may not use the cage, the risk assessment has implications for ALL who use the track and I therefore require you to make yourself (and your children if applicable) fully aware of the contents of the risk assessment, identifying those areas that affect you.
All of the steps that are in this risk assessment have been considered at length and advice has been sort externally. It is essential that ALL athletes comply for their own safety and the safety of other users of the stadium.
This document is a "live" document and will be revised as is necessary, based upon any further incidents nationally and any full review that is to be conducted over the summer by UKA.
I thank you in advance for your co-operation in ensuring we continue to have a safe training environment at Stockport Harriers, where all can train and benefit from the great facilities that we have.