Senior men and women cross country
Northern Championships 2020
Saturday 25th January
Start time: women, 2.15pm, men, 3.15pm,
Camp Hill Estate, Kirklington, Bedale. DL8 2LS.
Distance: women 8k, men, 12.3k.
All individual entries submitted through the Northern Athletics website online entry system.
Entry fee £8.00.
Closing date for entries midnight, 12th January.
Club colours must be worn.
National Championships 2020
Saturday 22nd February
Start time: women 1.35pm. men 3.00pm.
Wollaton Park, Nottingham.
Distance: women 8k, men 12k.
All individual entries submitted through
Entry fee £9.00.
Closing date for entries 10th January 2020.
Club colours must be worn.
The club gazebo will be at both events.