Message from our Club Welfare Officers

Report: Maureen Wilkins -

As we continue to tread through these difficult times, our roles and responsibilities as Welfare and Safeguarding Officers remain at the forefront of the club. It is our statutory role that our children and young people continue to be protected and supported through these difficult times.

As a club we want to continue with the club’s approach of centering our children and young people. Many people have experienced the effects of lockdown; particularly loneliness, lack of physical contact with friends, family & peers, and the boredom and frustration associated with missing out on activities. There is also the additional complexity of unnecessary stress caused by social media.

Please seek the help available should you need it by using the links provided below. These are difficult times for many of us, and it is okay to ask for support, so please don’t suffer in silence.

If you have any concerns about a child or young persons safety, please inform your welfare officer. If you believe they are in immediate danger please contact the police.

Maureen Wilkins
Jim Herron

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